In an attempt to predict what this year may hold, we have compiled a list of 5 of the most important tech developments we may see in 2016.
#1. Li-Fi
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This is a brand-new concept that’s only just beginning to generate some attention. But apparently it’s a new LED-based form of Internet connection that’s 100 times faster than Wi-Fi. We may start to see it in action as soon as next year, and naturally the implications are astounding.
#2. Robobees
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You may have heard over the last few years that dwindling bee populations actually pose a pretty major threat to the environment. Bees are some of the little architects of nature we depend on quite a bit without really realizing it, but we’d all be in a lot of trouble without their tireless pollination efforts. Fortunately, brilliant robotics teams at Harvard and elsewhere have been working on “Robobees” to pollinate crops where ordinary bees fail in the effort.
#3. SunScreen Pill
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Back in 2011, word circulated that a sunscreen pill could be available in five years. Well, we’re almost there. The technology is based on replicating how sea coral in shallow waters protect themselves from the sun, and it’s believed that it can basically help to shield human skin from the inside. These pills will likely be available in 2016.
#4. In-Home Robot Assistants
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We’re not quite at an iRobot or Ex Machina level of having humanoid robots that we can basically use as servants. But we are on the cusp of making in-home robotics a regular thing. The JIBO bot really pioneered the concept; you can think of it like a physical Siri sitting in your home to keep an eye on you and help to supply you with basic information and answer questions. It’ll be fascinating to see how far bots like this one go in 2016.
#5.In-Home 3D Printing
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Tech developments in 3D printing have staggered in the last couple of years. It seems as if one moment we were all reading Internet stories about 3D printed objects and gaping in awe at the technology, and the next moment it was available in stores. In the next year, 3D printers will become even more mainstream and people will be using them in their homes to make everything from random artistic projects to useful household items and Food.
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